Owning a residential property comes with many joys, but with great power comes great responsibility, said Spider-Man’s uncle, and this is true. Let me ask you, how many times have you driven past a home that looks like the jungle is swallowing it whole? Yeah, we’ve all seen that. Regular upkeep not only ensures the longevity of your property but also contributes to a comfortable and safe living environment. Not to mention, the value of your property and the neighborhood goes up when properties are taken care of.
This is the first of multiple blogs where we will explore the essential aspects of residential property maintenance from the point of view of our project managers here at DA Construction, Inc. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive guide, giving you a good idea of what you can do to keep a happy home in this Central Florida weather.
Let’s kick off this edition talking about exterior maintenance and curb appeal. Aside from bringing value to your home, taking care of the exterior is a great way to protect it from deterioration. Let’s leave the items that are straightforward out for a moment, like trimming your bushes, doing your lawn, and weed control. Let’s talk about items that are not so obvious, like windows, gutters, paint, and siding.
Story time! Bear with me… A couple of months after my husband and I bought our first home, we noticed a few cracks on the outside. Mind you, we were brand new to this homeownership thing, and we thought, “Our house is falling apart! What did we do?” So we called an inspector, which was the first thing we could think of. And that is where we learned about settling.
Now, settling for those who are new to this like we were, is just what it sounds like. After a home is built, there is still movement in the earth, and weather is happening around it, especially here in Florida, so the home is constantly “settling” into place. It’s pretty common and typically happens slowly; however, some properties could have fast settling, and it can lead to eventually having foundation issues as a result of it. This was something my husband and I had heard of, and we were terrified.
The inspector said our home was fine and told us to simply paint over them. He also advised us to call a foundation expert if we ever saw the cracks exceeding half an inch and/or if the cracks became uneven (meaning one side of the crack was sticking out more than the other). Those would be signs of something greater happening in the foundation of our home. Furthermore, settling can also bring cracks to the ceiling of the property. Once again, this is normal and will happen to most properties over time.
Fast forward a year, and I start working at a construction company, DA Construction, Inc. You might have heard of it… We get people calling in about their windows leaking, walls showing signs of moisture, or living room floors getting flooded after a storm. And once again, we live in Florida, where we get plenty of storms. So I ask Alan and David what can cause this, and the following is the information I received:
- Flooding floors: Many individuals love to have beautiful flower beds in front of their homes, but they need to beware. If your flower bed goes above the inside floor level of your home, it can cause water to accumulate above the slab level. Over time, it will find a way to get into the home, and once it does, it can lead to flooding. In some cases, it is hard to detect the problem until mold starts to build up. That is the worst-case scenario.”
- Windows Leaking: Over time, with the settling of a home, windows may shift and crack the caulk seal around them. If a homeowner does not regularly seal windows, this can cause water to find its way into the home, especially on those stormy Central Florida rainy days – AKA always.
- Damp Walls: Water will take any opportunity to get into your home. Making sure the siding of your home is in good shape and the water is being diverted downward is the best thing you can do to avoid intrusion. If you have a block home, make sure you not only paint the cracks, as the inspector told me, but also caulk them to seal and keep the water out.
- Bonus! Roof Leaks: A great way to avoid roof deterioration is to keep the leaves out of your roof. Like flower beds, they accumulate water, and this water wants to find a way into your home. Keep your gutters clean while you’re up there. Your roof will thank you, and your insurance will love it!